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Help us, help them.

Since its inception, the ASF has donated over $9.5m to a range of charities.

The funds come from contributions and donations primarily made at the annual ASF Awards Night Dinner. 

We support a range of 10 - 12 charities, all providing unique and different services. These charities are provided little to no support from the government but their services are essential to those who need them. 


The ASF is the largest donor to the Matthew Talbot Hostel having provided over $3 million to the upkeep of the Woolloomooloo facility for the homeless men of Sydney. But we couldn't do this, without your help. 


We meet with the charities every year at a lunch generously hosted by Macquarie, allowing us to hear about the challenges we may occasionally read about, but that these people face every day. It is both an enlightening and humbling event. 

The charities we supported can be found here

Your tax-deductible donation will be greatly appreciated by our charities.

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