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Partnership Opportunities

If you or your company’s goods or services are either directed at, or would appeal to practitioners in the financial service industry, and you would like to promote or advertise at our annual ASF Awards Dinner, please click here to join forces with the ASF in its support of our charities. There are a variety of ways in which you can become involved in helping those less fortunate and we would be pleased to talk with you about opportunities.

The annual awards dinner is the largest gathering of stockbrokers in the country each year, and the perfect opportunity to present to a financially competent and technologically literate group of professionals.​

Download our partnership packages here.

2025 ASF Awards Packages

Support us to make a difference

The ASF has raised and contributed over $9.5 million to our charities. The ASF employs no people, its costs are minimal and is thus in a position to distribute the vast majority of contributions.


Directors and the organising committee are people working in and connected to the stockbroking industry

The ASF Directors meet with each charity every year, and receive regular circulars as well as annual financial reports, but do not dictate how the donated funds should be spent. We believe the charities themselves are in the best position to determine this. We host an annual lunch for representatives of the charities, which has fostered beneficial cross-fertilisation between many and assisted some smaller organisations to negotiate roadblocks in the pursuit of government assistance. 
Since our creation, the ASF has donated over $3 million to the Matthew Talbot Hostel, which makes us the largest single supporter of this critical facility. For others, we are a vital part of their budget as they strive to stretch their funds between competing claims. We often receive correspondence directly from individuals and families who have benefitted from our assistance to a charity. 
The ASF receives many appeals for assistance every year from a wide range of worthwhile causes.

As we do not have an invested pool of funds from which we can distribute earnings, we can only utilise what is raised at each fundraising function.

As a policy, the Directors have determined that we should be meaningful to a relatively small number of charities rather than be insignificant to a larger number.

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